Community Connection: 20 Questions with Geoff Gregoire
Entrepreneur Geoff Gregoire answers 20 questions in this installment of Community Connection. Geoff, along with his brother Tim, is the owner of Contractor’s Corner Design Centre. He also owns the Pelican Campground & Lounge.
Sopranos or Seinfeld: Neither, sports center or The Profit, Billionaire Buyer
Would people consider yourself a good athlete: Id say I used to be
Best business decision: Contractors Corner, but Pelican Lake is becoming a close second quickly.
Worst business decision: The unsuccessful ones
If you had a private plane for one day and you could take 5 people on a trip, who would they be: Grandma, Mom, Dad, Tim, Corlee
Do you recycle: Yes, Mom & Grams would be very upset if I didn’t
What is the one food you could never give up: Wings or Pizza
Who works harder you or your brother: We are a team, but outside that I’ll say me
Have you ever taken advice from anyone, and if so who: Grandpa Keith
Biggest role model: Grandpa and Grandma Blight
Trump or Biden: Trump
Does anything excite you: Not Really, but if I had to pick something id say success excites me.
Weird travel habits: I like my travels to include golf
Describe your dad in one word: Role Model
What will you be famous for: Working too much, trying to run too many businesses
What annoys you: People who cant think and plan ahead
Do you live your life by any quotes: Work Hard, Play Harder; Your only as good as your team
Favorite Wheat King player of all time, and you can’t say Scott Glennie: Ryan Craig
Would you go to a foreign country alone: No
Go to meal at Joe Beeverz: Wings