Get the best value for your charitable dollars

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You’ve probably got at least one cause you’re passionate about. And, your hard work and success have placed you and your family in a position to give back to your community. To make sure your donation makes the biggest impact possible, you need a plan.

Step 1 – decide what matters most

With so many ways to make a difference, deciding which charities to support can be overwhelming. When you’re choosing where to direct your money, consider:

  • Do your core values align with a specific cause or organization?
  • Are you or someone you care about personally affected by an issue?
  • Is there a cause you think needs more attention?
  • Are there organizations you already support that you’d like to do more for?
  • How does the charity distribute their funds? Luckily, there are a lot of independent sites, including Charity Intelligence Canada, that offer comprehensive ratings based on transparency, need and operating efficiency.

Step 2 – direct your donation dollars

Once you find a cause you’re passionate about, decide how you want to make your mark.

  • Will all your donation dollars go to one organization or to several?
  • Will it be a one-time gift or ongoing?
  • Is this a personal project or will your family and friends join the cause?

Don’t be afraid to think outside the box. Want to inspire innovation? Create your own charity, grant or scholarship fund. Or maybe there’s an organization you could partner with to match your gift. The sky’s the limit when it comes to your charitable legacy.

Step 3 – build a team to help you realize your dream

Seek the advice of professionals who can help you make the most of your gift.

A financial security advisor can help you:

  • Align your philanthropic plans with the core values and issues that matter most to you and your family
  • Identify a plan to involve your family – today and tomorrow
  • Take advantage of tax efficiencies and benefits

Your team might also include:

  • Lawyers
  • Accountants
  • Philanthropy consultants

Ready, set, give!

Contact me today to see how you can maximize your gift today to help create a better tomorrow.