RCA Museum awarded for excellence


The RCA Museum at CFB Shilo is a proud recipient of the Award of Excellence from the Association of Manitoba Museums for their exhibit series on the Canadian experience throughout WWI. The RCA Museum’s series of temporary exhibits were recognized for eloquently and thoroughly presenting the impact of the First World War.


As visitors went through each exhibit over the past four years, they have learned about the events of this devastating and transformative conflict. Visitors have experienced the impact on the men who fought, examined the impacts on science, medicine, and even the arts, as well as discovering how that war changed the way we live our lives today.


The award was formally presented at a ceremony in Steinbach, MB September 21, 2018.


Quick Facts


  • * As many as 7,000 men and women from Manitoba lost their lives in WW1.
  • * There were several other organizations involved with the exhibits, including Brandon University, The Daly House Museum, The Costume Museum of Canada, the Transcona Historical Museum, the Mennonite Heritage Village and the Brandon Mental Health Centre Museum.
  • * The final exhibit in this series, 1918: The Last 100 Days will be on exhibit until December 14, 2018.
  • * The RCA Museum is open Monday to Friday 10-4 through the winter.

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