Tuesday, January 14, 2025
HomeArts & LifeLifestyles (Page 38)

Schoonbaert SIgns With Top UK Team

Auston Matthews and Connor McDavid team up with McDonald’s for ‘Showdown’ and launch of new limited-time menu items

After 60 years big changes at Pik-A-Dilly

Brandon Bits and Bites – # 3

Brandon Bits and Bites – Edition 2

BWK 50 – 50 Draw at $115,000.00 …… Final Draw January 1st

Skating oval now open for the season

New Pickleball Facility For Downtown Brandon

Day Trippin: new mountain bike trails at Asessippi

Open tomorrow, weather permitting. Please check their Facebook page for any changes to their opening times and dates due to poor weather conditions. Grab your bike, stay the night, have a bite to eat in the pub - they can’t wait to see you! There will be 3 trails open, 2 runs are created for single track and the bunny hill has been created for multi track use. Ride the chair lift to the top and then bike your way down through the trails. Mountain Bike Trails / Shell Valley Campground / Pub - all opening weekends ONLY. Fridays Noon - 8pm Saturdays 10am - 10pm Sundays 9am - 4pm For a price list, please click here.

Community Connection: 20 Questions with Geoff Gregoire

Entrepreneur Geoff Gregoire answers 20 questions in this installment of Community Connection. Geoff, along with his brother Tim, is the owner of Contractor's Corner Design Centre. He also owns the Pelican Campground & Lounge. Sopranos or Seinfeld:  Neither, sports center or The Profit, Billionaire Buyer  Would people consider yourself a good athlete:  Id say I used to be Best business decision: Contractors Corner, but Pelican Lake is becoming a close second quickly. Worst business decision:  The unsuccessful ones  If you had a private plane for one day and you could take 5 people on a trip, who would they be:  Grandma, Mom, Dad, Tim, Corlee Do you recycle:  Yes, Mom & Grams would be very upset if I didn't What is the one food you could never give up:  Wings or Pizza Who works harder you or your brother:  We are a team, but outside that I'll say me   Have you ever taken advice from anyone, and if so who: Grandpa Keith  Biggest role model:  Grandpa and Grandma Blight  Trump or Biden: Trump  Does anything excite you:  Not Really, but if I had to pick something id say success excites me. Weird travel habits:  I like my travels to include golf Describe your dad in one word:  Role Model  What will you be famous for:  Working too much, trying to run too many businesses   What annoys you:  People who cant think and plan ahead  Do you live your life by any quotes:  Work Hard, Play Harder; Your only as good as your team  Favorite Wheat King player of all time, and you can’t say Scott Glennie: Ryan Craig  Would you go to a foreign country alone: No  Go to meal at Joe Beeverz:  Wings

Benefits of Hiring Students

With high school graduations coming up, and college and university students already done for the summer. It is time to look at the benefits of hiring students. VHP has hired students off and on since it’s inception in 1997, however in 2012 the company started a seasonal lawn crew consisting of students & athletes home for the summer. These students bring a bit of life and a different perspective to the business each year. We have had some students back as many as five years in a row and have offered them different opportunities for advancement within the organization. It is really rewarding to see these kids grow up into responsible adults developing a work ethic and progressing into their careers. Brock Sutherland was the first member of the lawn crew back in 2012, he was joined by Cory Rae and Cole McCaig. It is amazing how time flies, both Cory and Brock have their own families now and all three members have moved on to very successful careers. With the energy comes fun. Since the first year of the lawn crew VHP has hosted staff Bar-be-ques to bring the team together to build appreciation for the hard work of all team members. This has evolved into entering a staff hockey team into the Wendy’s Summer Hockey League where the students and other employees can have some fun outside of work. Finally, in 2016 a tradition started called the “Jake Cup”, named after VHP’s founder Vionell Bertineous (Jake) Jacobson who was an entrepreneur and a competitive guy. The Jake Cup which started as a fun hockey game at the end of the summer where staff members could invite their friends out and have a challenge game for the Jake Cup. Last year this evolved into an event where VHP and RE/MAX Valleyview Realty would team up to play against Royal Lepage Martin Liberty Realty. This provided an opportunity to bring the competition level up a bit, add a bit of pride to the event, but to also help two local charities, as the losing team donated $500 to the winning team’s charity of choice. 50/50 proceeds were also donated to the charity of losing team. Last year Career Connections and the YWCA shared over $800. This year’s event is planned for August 15th at a location to be named in the near future. VHP and RE/MAX Valleyview Realty will be looking to win the Jake Cup back from Royal Lepage Martin Liberty Realty. Looking forward to seeing people come out to support a couple of local charities again this year. All of these great things: Friday barbeques, the Jake Cup and the summer hockey team were started because VHP decided to hire a group of students back in 2012, not to mention having the best kept grounds in the city for our apartment complexes. When considering adding a student to your team this summer, don’t think of the costs; think of the benefits of providing employment for young people and what they bring to your organization. Vionell Holdings Partnership (VHP) provides rental housing and property management for an array of residential and commercial customers, including Condominium Management. VHP currently has nearly 4,000 units under management in Manitoba. For more information please visit www.vhproperties.ca. VHP has committed to constructing 128 multifamily residential units in Portage la Prairie the first 64 units will be ready for occupancy in fall of 2019.

Day Trippin, Reston’s man-made lake is a hidden gem

The man-made lake in Reston, MB officially opened on June 15. The lake was Phase 2 of the Recreation Development Area for the  RM of Pipestone. Funding from the RM of Pipestone Council ($250,000) and from the Province of Manitoba Community Places Program ($50,000) was used to finance the project. It is located adjacent to the Reston campground, golf course and spray park. Many features have been built into the lake including a sand bottom, decorative fountain, and a large sand beach.

Community Connection: 20 Questions with Riley Day

Riley spent 4 seasons in the WHL, including his 20-year old season with his home town Wheat Kings. Along with his brother Spencer they are the owners of Progressive Sanitation. The company is Brandon's leading supplier of sanitation supplies and equipment. Nickname: Dawg Day First job: Professional Stock Boy- Safeway Childhood celebrity crush: Britney Spears Most memorable WHL fight: Getting whipped by Tootoo What is your must have beauty product: Obviously Hair Gel Biggest regret: Everything happens for a reason and we all end up where we are supposed to be.. no REGRATS... not even one letter. One person in Brandon that you not have yet had lunch with but would like to: Rick Chrest What accomplishment in your career are you most proud of to date: Progressive Westman Your fast-food guilty pleasure: Sub Shop Who would make you totally star struck: Mario Lemieux You dream golfing foursome includes yourself and these three people: Elvis Presley, Mario Lemieux, John Daly – TIGER CAN CARRY MY CLUBS…. Best sports movie of all-time: Slapshot... not even a close second. What movie title best describes your life: The good, the bad and the ugly (1966) The last adventure you went on: Road Trip to BC with the Kids You've got friends visiting Brandon for the first time, where are you taking them: To the lake. If an actor could play you in a movie about the story of your life, who would it be: James Dean Favorite Disney character: Peter Pan Bonus Question: Who is the weirdest person you know: We will leave that one for a mystery..