Thursday, September 19, 2024
HomeArts & LifeLifestyles (Page 75)

Branches Raise More Than $28K for Local Organizations

Trans Canada Brewing Company set to expand to Brandon

Blue Haze BBQ Gears Up to Defend Title at Food Truck Warz in Brandon, MB

Select Shows Midway Set to Dazzle at Food Truck Warz in Brandon, MB

Westoba Inspire is now accepting applications for major projects up to $10,000

Deep-Fried Delights: Dam Fine Deep Fried Rolls into Town for Food Truck Warz

Brandon winner shocked by $500,000 LOTTO MAX win!

2024 Wendy’s Summer Hockey League Finals

Brandon to Atlanta

You might be surprised that it's actually pretty convenient to fly from Brandon, Manitoba (YBR) to Atlanta, Georgia (ATL). We have this convenience and luxury of a single connection flight, thanks to the codeshare partnership between Westjet and Delta Airlines. This means that anywhere that Delta flies you can now fly from Brandon. You will get on the Westjet flight here in Brandon, then connect in Toronto, to a Delta flight. I'll give you one example. Let's say you are a Atlanta Falcons fan. Or you might just love the Green Bay Packers. Well, the two teams meet on Sunday October 30th in Atlanta. Fly from Brandon on Friday October 28th, leaving at 5AM and you'll arrive in Atlanta just after lunch time. Enjoy the city Saturday night, and a fabulous NFL Sunday at the Georgia Dome. Rest up and do some sightseeing at the Coca Cola Museum on Monday and you have a fabulous getaway. Your return flight leaves on Tuesday November 1st, at 5:45 pm and you will land in Brandon at 11:30pm. Booked through Expedia.ca, you can have flights for 2 adults, plus 4 nights hotel and all taxes included for under $2000. (That's $1000 per person.) All with the convenience of flying out of your home airport. Thank you Westjet!  


Well that's a wrap. I've made it. Of the 4 billion pictures I've spammed everyone's Facebook and Instagram feeds with, this is the moment I've (and probably some of you) have been waiting for. The last pictures I'll ever post. Kidding. I'm not stopping. Today, I have reached the ultimate goal, and no longer feel the need to compulsively take pictures of everything that moves. And doesn't move. Or moves sometimes. Or not. The ever elusive squirrel. (Read as "the actually can't swing a dead cat without hitting one squirrel"). Sure. They're all over. Adorable and furry. And of all the things I've learned about taking pictures, I could NOT get a clear shot of a squirrel. It shouldn't be that hard. It is. And note to farmers, I will not be shooting them with anything other than my camera, I'm so sorry. I love them. Thanks first of all to my Mom for lending me her new and expensive zoom lens. I'm sure you can easily order another one from Amazon. You're the best Mom. I already have all your other stuff, I know, I know... And now, I'm off to get a nice fresh and delicious loaf of bread so I can feed that fuzzy little bundle of cuteness, and maybe I'll be able to pet him someday.

Plan B and Public Sleeps

Well I reached a new level of actually I don't know what but if "public sleeping" is a level, I passed. Hi. My name's Caley. I'm a public sleeper. That wasn't the plan when we left the house. We went to Monster Truck Mayhem tonight, briefly, rubber boots on, hats and ear plugs, and garbage bags because those are also for raincoats. If you didn't know. Apparently the monster truck Mayhemers are into speed and air time but NOT floods and lightening . Show cancelled. 1 of us was crying. So we went to the movie theatre. To see The Secret Life of Pets. Wearing rubber boots and shorts. And hats. This is where the public sleeping happened. It was me. I did that. It was right after I ate a whole bag of cotton candy. You know the one that's the size of a "throw cushion" that you always wanted when you were a little kid but your parents wouldn't let you have it. I had that. Then I had a sleep. Hence, level "public sleeper" reached. Leaving, entering daylight, I noticed I had cotton candy melted into the front of my black jacket. Bright pink and blue sugary crystals encrusted into the front of my jacket. I don't even remember that part. What happened? Where am I? I  thought you should know.


Heads up. This is gross. Albeit fascinating. I don't like bugs actually. Well maybe ladybugs and dragonflies. Until I saw one under a macro lens, which makes you wonder why I'd have a few hundred pictures of them. And even more peculiar, why I'd order a macro lens kit for my iPhone, specifically for getting a better look at their beady little eyes and a bazillion legs and other weird parts. And most shocking of all? Hair. So much hair. And their faces. I've seen more smiling bugs in the last 2 years than I don't know what. As if there's a comparison for that. Really. Back to the hair. That's what pushes the fear factor over the edge for me. Only 2nd to their rapid and unpredictable movement. You have to hold really still, and get REALLY close to take a picture of a bug, using a macro lens. This has led to some inevitable mishaps, with a bit of screaming, and probably some surprised bugs. I do like the colors though. Especially when the bug is resting on something with complimentary colors. So if you ever wondered what a beetles feet looked like, or a caterpillars smile, wonder no more. Yours truly, Caley                

Applying for Life Insurance – The Process

When preparing to apply for life insurance, there are a few steps to the process.  First, one needs to decide how much to apply for. This is done by completing a needs analysis with your life insurance-licensed financial professional. Many things are taken into consideration, a few of which are income replacement, debt cancellation and final expenses.  Once the amount is determined, a look at different life insurance products is explored to come up with the best solution to one's situation. A combination of products may be the best way to go - permanent and temporary (term). Of course, the cost of the premium is important and needs to fit the budget but having the right product is also important.  When the amount being applied for and the best product are decided upon, the application process begins. Here are some pieces of information to have ready before applying:    - Date of last visit to a medical professional and the reason why    - Results of that visit with information on medication and/or treatment plan     - List of all medications being taken    - Health history on immediate family members (parents, siblings) There are also questions about one's travel and lifestyle activities for which the answers help the insurance company's underwriter determine the risk in providing coverage to an individual. For instance, if a person likes to hang glide, this provides more risk and is taken into consideration. This doesn't mean one wouldn't receive the life insurance because of the activity, but it may mean a rating to the premium. One could pay more for their premium than another person who doesn't hang glide nor participates in any other risky activities.  Based on the amount of insurance being applied for and the age of the proposed insured, there could be medical tests required, such as blood/urine tests and ECG. The insurance company pays a paramedical provider for this and, in most cases, a nurse can take the samples and do the ECG in the insured's home rather than in a clinic. The results are then given to the insurance company to help them make their decision in issuing the insurance. Also, the results can be made available to the insured for their own information and peace of mind.  It may seem like there is a lot to the application process but with the help of a licensed financial professional, it doesn't have to be so daunting.  Finally, something to remember is that money pays the life insurance premium but one's health buys the insurance coverage.