14.2 C
Brandon, CA
Friday, June 14, 2024

Province Launches New Financial Support for Paid Sick Leave Related to COVID-19

The Manitoba government is launching a new Manitoba Pandemic Sick Leave program to provide direct financial assistance to help fill gaps between federal programming and current provincial employment standards for paid sick leave, Premier Brian Pallister announced today. “We are at a critical point in our fight against COVID-19 and the variants of concern, and…

No in-person Canada Day event at Riverbank this year

Due to the ongoing situation regarding COVID-19 around the globe,Brandon Riverbank Inc. has made the difficult decision to not have an in-person Canada Day event on July 1. “The situation with COVID-19 and the associated restrictions currently make it impossible to plan any sort of large-scale event,” said James Montgomery, GM of Brandon Riverbank Inc.…

AGSM’s Absolute Zero Panel to discuss homelessness, consequences of tenuous housing

On Thursday, May 13, 2021 at 5:00 PM, the AGSM will host a panel discussion with professionals who work directly with people of Brandon who experience homelessness and the consequences of tenuous housing. Artist and sober living supervisor Chris Reid will be joined by Clearing the Path supervisor and counsellor Heather Bolech, Ask Auntie founder…

Permits Are Required For Backyard Fire Pit Use

– As we are looking forward to enjoying warmer weather in our own backyards, Brandon Fire & Emergency Services Prevention Division is reminding residents that if your activity includes sitting around a fire pit, you should ensure your fire pit is in compliance with the following regulations:   To have an open-air fire in your yard, you must first have an approved permit. Before a permit is approved, an inspection of the proposed site/appliance by Brandon…

Female suspect arrested after property damage using hammer

Source: Brandon Police Service Media Release On May 3, 2021, shortly after 1:00 pm, police responded to a report of an individual using a hammer on various property such as buildings and signs in the area of the 400 block of 9th street.  The suspect damaged a window on a vehicle before throwing the hammer…
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