13.2 C
Brandon, CA
Sunday, June 2, 2024

2016 Homelessness Count Shows Increase

News Release For Immediate Release - Results from the 2016 Point-in-Time (PiT) Homelessness Count in Brandon, which took place on April 13, revealed that the number of homeless in our city has increased from the original count held in January 2015. Surveys showed that 146 people in Brandon were found to be homeless; 28 of…

Westjet opens their new A1-A5 gate wing

Next time you're in Calgary airport and looking for your gate to get home to Brandon, things will look a little different! Actually, it looks amazing! That "A1" gate that leads to your YBR flight is now much more than a cement hallway and an auxiliary walk on gate.  Less than a month ago, Westjet…

Westman Dreams for Kids Celebrates 25 Years

25 years is really an eternity in today’s day and age for being married – working at the same job – or operating a locally based charity. Brandon’s Dreams for Kids has done that by existing over 25 years in Western Manitoba. According to one of the founders Ron Ball the key to the future…

My view on the Riverview Ward by-election

Hey, anybody up for another election? No, there won’t be endless TV ads during the suppertime news. And there are no debates scheduled that I have heard of. Plus, the only blight of election signs are in the city’s East End ward of Riverview. It’s about the by-election on May 18 to fill the seat…

Cullen got the call. And he returned mine.

It came four hours late, but I did have a phone interview with Cliff Cullen, once a comparatively low-key Progressive Conservative Opposition MLA, now minister of growth, enterprise and trade (and labour) in the new Brian Pallister government. The Spruce Woods rep, who lives in Glenboro, is also now the de facto voice at the…
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