14.2 C
Brandon, CA
Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Robot Servers?

Before you think this is the end of the world as we know it (REM) the owners of Kam Lung Asian Cuisine thought they would experiment with a concept that would increase customer service plus help their staff. Meet the new Robot Serving Devices at Kam Lung.   Kam Lung managers said finding staff for…

Do dogs get the right of way?

Sometimes, random thoughts and questions stick in my head and percolate for a while. Recently, I was driving around and was passed by a car being driven erratically. When I looked over, I saw a German shepherd in the driver’s seat, sitting on the lap of what I have to assume was a driver. Either…

Brandon’s Degraeve named Umpire of the Year for 2022

At the annual awards and UDC appreciation lunch that took place in Portage La Prairie recently, Brandon’s Brad Degraeve was named the Home Run Sports Wayne Deschouwer Umpire of the Year for 2022. He has been a softball umpire since 2012 and estimated that he umpired approximately 60-65 games this season including league play, tournaments and Championships.…

Top 100 Most Fascinating Manitobans in 2021

Ace Burpee Winnipeg radio jock has compiled his listing of the Top 100 Fascinating People in Manitoba ..... somehow Brandon and Western Manitoba was not included.  Leah Hextall a former CKX TV announcer was named in this listing. Similar to every year I’ve done this list, the hardest part is keeping it to 100 names.…

Former Brandon Wheat King creating new goals

BDNMB.CA recently had an opportunity to speak with former Wheat King Chris Low about the transition to becoming a successful real estate agent in Brandon.Low's teammates with the Wheat Kings included Temple, Elder, Murray, Robson, Smart, Ritchie, Dingman, Redden and Cloutier during the 93 - 94 and 94 - 95 seasons.  After junior hockey Chris…
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