Operation Festive Spirits returns again this Holiday Season

Photo: Brandon Police Service

Source: Brandon Police Service Media Release

Brandon Police Service will be conducting Operation Festive Spirits again this Holiday Season.

All December, we will be taking a pro-active enforcement and educational approach through a Selective Traffic Enforcement Program (STEP). STEP is designed to reduce impaired driving, increase awareness of the cost of impaired driving and ultimately remind Manitoba motorists that finding a safe way home this festive season is the only option.

High visibility Check Stops and targeted saturated patrols will be set out across the city in an effort to detect, deter and enforce traffic laws in relation to alcohol and drug related offences including impaired and aggressive driving.

The message that the Brandon Police Service is sending to the motoring public is a simple one: If you choose to drink or do drugs, do the right thing and arrange a designated driver, call a cab, stay the night, or phone Operation Red Nose.

Please celebrate this Christmas season, but do it responsibly.