7.2 C
Brandon, CA
Monday, June 17, 2024

Male suspect ignites propane tank at former residence

On July 25, 2023 at approximately 11:00 am, police and members of BFES responded to a report of a house and fence burning in the 200 block of Princess Ave.  Once the fire was extinguished, investigation revealed that a 38-year-old male, a former tenant of the residence, had intentionally ignited a propane tank, which caused…

Third-Party Liability Coverage to be Denied for Impaired Drivers

Impaired drivers who are in a collision will be denied third-party liability coverage as of August 1, 2023, the Province of Manitoba and Manitoba Public Insurance (MPI) announced today. Impaired drivers will be responsible for covering the cost of any damage they cause to other vehicles or property. “Our government is committed to holding impaired…

Sibling fight results in Assault with a Weapon charges

On July 24, 2023 shortly after 10:00 pm, police responded to a report of a disturbance at a business in the 3400 block of Victoria Ave.  Investigation revealed that adult siblings were fighting.  During the fight, one of them was struck with a wine glass, and required hospital treatment.  The 36-year-old female was arrested and…

Vehicle vs Pedestrian Collision Saturday Afternoon

At approx. 3 PM Saturday, a 911 call was received reporting a collision between a vehicle and a pedestrian in the 200 block of 18th St N. Witnesses to the incident indicated that the adult male pedestrian darted out into the street, and the driver of the southbound vehicle had no time to stop or react.…

Manitoba Rent Guideline Going Up Next Year

Manitoba Consumer Protection and Government Services advises the 2024 rent guideline has been set at three per cent, effective Jan. 1, 2024. The guideline is determined annually based on the Manitoba Consumer Price Index and applies to most residential rental properties including apartments, single rooms, houses and duplexes. Despite inflation being higher than three per…
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